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Snow/ Moto Kit

Snow/ Moto Kit

SKU: 126351351935

After two years of testing, we'd like to present our Snow/ Moto Kit. We've used real world snowmobiling accidents experienced during testing to help round out the contents. We've also looked at common motorcycle injuries, and how both environments challenge a normal First Aid Kit. We start with one of our Large Vanquest Bags, with the internal zippered pouch removed to decrease size. In its place is a Nite Ize waterproof Runoff Wallet. A 100% waterproof pouch that protects everything that has to be kept dry. This includes all of the Band-Aids, Steri-Strip, medications, tweezers, and wound spray. With the delicate things kept waterproof, you can carry this Kit confidently strapped to your sled, motorcycle, tank bag or backpack. This Kit is slimmer than our Large First Aid Kit, and is designed for when help is far away. The contents are customized for this, including a full size 36" Sam Splint, more duct tape, two snap lights, and large trauma shears for when you need to cut through someone's tough protective gear.


This is a Custom Kit, made on demand. This requires 5-10 days average for shipping from North Idaho.



    Vanquest FATPack 7x10

    Nite Ize RunOff waterproof wallet

    Reflective first aid cross

    Resqme glass breaker and seat belt cutter


    SWAT-T tourniquet

    Triangular bandage

    CPR mask with elastic ear straps

    Two pairs medical gloves (non-latex)

    Tweezers, U.S. made, metal

    Neosporin to go wound spray

    3M Blue Steri-Strip (1/2” x 4”)

    Burn Jel/ Bacitracin Antibiotic/ Hydrocortisone Cream 1%

    XL Band-Aid x 3

    Water proof Band-Aid x 3

    Tough Strips Band-Aid x 3

    Small Band-Aid x 4

    Medium Band-Aid x 4

    Celox Hemostatic Granules

    Seven pack Medique medications (electrolytes, aspirin, antihistamine, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, calcium carbonate, loperamide)

    3M Medical tape

    Duct tape, flat, 1.88” x 5yrd

    6” Cyalume Green 12hour SnapLight x 2

    NAR Emergency Trauma Dressing 4” Flat

    Large sharpie

    CAT tourniquet (Gen7)

    Trauma shears, full size

    QuikClot Combat Gauze (3” x 4 yards)

    Compressed gauze (4.5” x 4.1 yards)

    Two U.S. made Vented Chest Seals

    NAR silver survival blanket

    SAM splint 36"


    All inventory is subject to change, based on available first aid supplies during assembly. Items replaced will always be of the highest quality, but may be from a different manufacturer. We strive to use American products wherever possible. Any questions, give us a call.


    Medication packs are NOT child proof.


    We have partnered with Boost Oxygen, made in the USA, 95% pure supplemental oxygen. No prescription is required, and it barely adds any weight. The Boost Oxygen bottle is secured with made in the USA Ranger Bands. These are the toughest EPDM rubber bands on the market. To remove the Boost Oxygen, just rip the bottle from the Ranger Bands, and it comes out handily. Stress and injury are two of the most common things that impede our oxygen use. We have used this product in a real emergency, and it made a huge difference. The interface with Boost's facepiece also makes it extremely easy to apply the oxygen to another person, or yourself. The Medium 5L bottle has up to 100 one-second inhalations while the Large 10L bottle has up to 200 one-second inhalations.



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